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Check namaz time with location and with City;

Islamic prayer time | Check namaz time in your city. Salah Time Sunni Hanafi.

Check Namaz time using location:

Check namaz time using City and Country name.

Namaz time according to Sunni Hanafi belief. Prayer timing for today can be calculated based on your current location or by adding your city and country name in the option given below.


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Fajr time in today is:

Sunrise time in today is:

Dhuhr time in today is:

Asr time in today is:

Maghrib time in today is:

Isha time in today is:

Midnight time in today is:

Imsak time in today is:

Check Namaz (Salah) timing, for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha at our platform. Share this with your friends and family to help them learn the updated Namaz timing for daily five times Salah.

This page also provides the sunrise time for today based on your loacation.

• NOTE: This page provides dates according to Sunni (Hanafi) beliefs. And calculates time based on University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, calculation methods.

• NOTE: Calculation of "Namaz timing, and other timing like Sadiq and Midnight" may not be accurate with your local mosque timing or government authority. Their timings are likely tuned or adjusted.

Please note that prayer timings might not always match your local mosque or government authority. Their timings are likely tuned or adjusted.

Namaz Timing in Islam:

• The timings of the five daily prayers in Islam, that is called namaz or salat, are determined by the movement of the sun.

• This page is calculating times based on Sunni Hanafi belief and the calculation is based on University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, method of calculation.

On this page you can find Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha Namaz time, in your city, and local area. Just type your city in the input box and country if you live in other country than India, You can also find Sunrise time, Midnight time, and Sadiq time on this page with ease.

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