This page gives Gyarvi sharif date monthly reminder, this page reminds the days left until this month 11vi sharif. We have created a reminder for muslims to keep track of Hijri date 11 of every month.
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Gyarvi Sharif in India date 15 October 2024. | 11 Rabi Ul Akhir 1446 AH.
Read here, Badi Gyarvi Sharif 2024, date in India;
This page calculates and dislay the 11th day of each Hijri Month, the Gyarvi Sharif (11vi tharikh) of each month, which devotees of Ghous-e-Azam (رضي الله عنه) celebrate each month in remembrance of Ghous Pak (رضي الله عنه) .
Gyarvi Sharif is celebrated on the 11th day of every month, the 11th day of every month is celebrated with Niyaz and Fatiha khwani in the remembrance of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Gilani (رضي الله عنه), by Muslims around the world.
Ghulam e Ghous-e-Azam (رضي الله عنه), Baykas o Muztar Nami Maanad; Agar Maanad, Shabe Maanad, Shab-e-Deegar Nami Maanad!!
Ghous Pak (رضي الله عنه), Gyarvi Sharif this year:
This pages provides, 11wi sharif monthly reminder.