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A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (رضي الله عنه) Urs 2025 date; 14-11-2024;

Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رضي الله عنه Urs 2025 would be celebrated on 20 August 2025 (dates may vary.)

NOTE: dates may vary from location to location, do check with your local mosque for current Hijri dates and Urs A'la Hazrat.

The 106th Urs mubarak of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رضي الله عنه Bareilly Shareef would be celebrated on 20 August 2025, according to 25th of Safar 1447 A.H.

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Brief about Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رضي الله عنه

• According to Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رضي الله عنه was born on a Monday, the 10th of Shawaal 1272 A.H. (14th June 1856), at the time of Zohar Salaah in a place called Jasoli, which is in the city of Bareilly Shareef, India.

• His grandfather, a great Scholar of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan رضي الله عنه gave the young child the beautiful name of "Ahmed Raza." It was by this name that he was famously known.

• Sayyiduna A'la Hadrat delivered his first lecture at the age of 6 years. It was during the glorious month of Rabi-ul-Awwal and the lecture was before a very large gathering which also consisted of Ulema, it lasted for approximately 2 hours. A'la Hadrat رضي الله عنه spoke on the Wilaadat (Birth) of Sayyiduna Rasulullah ﷺ

• He brightened the hearts of the listeners with the love of Sayyiduna Rasulullah ﷺ . The people listening were thoroughly impressed by the maturity and eloquence of this lecture which was being delivered by a 6 year old child.

• Ala Hazrat possessed proficiency in over fifty Branches of Knowledge, some of which include Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran; Authority in the Field of Ahadith; A Great Jurist of his time; His Knowledge of Philosophy and Science; Knowledge of Astronomy and Astrology; A Mathematical Genius; Contribution to the Field of Poetry, and proficiency in many more educational fields were unique to Imam Ahmed Raza Khan رضي الله عنه

• The translation of the Holy Quran presented by A'la Hadrat رضي الله عنه - called "Kanzul Imaan" - is proven to be the most unique translation in the Urdu language. In his translation one sees that A'la Hadrat رضي الله عنه used only those words in his translation that are worthy for the Attributes and Qualities of Almighty Allah and of His beloved Rasool ﷺ

25th of Safar every year marks the urs mubarak of Ala Hazrat رضي الله عنه

• A'la Hazrat رضي الله عنه took parda (wisal'e zahiri) on Friday, the 25th of Safar 1340 A.H. (28 October 1921.)

• Imam-e-Ahle Sunnah, Azeemul Barkat, A’la Hadrat, Mujaddid Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi Barakaati رضي الله عنه is beloved sunni aleem'e deen, devout Sufi, a multi-dimensional scholar, orator, brilliant poet, teacher, author, spiritual leader and true ashique rasool, a beloved servant (gulam) of holy Prophet Huzur Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ

• As a devout Sufi, A’la Hadrat رضي الله عنه was awarded the Ijaazah and Khilafat (Certificate of Spiritual Successorship) in the Qaaderiya Silsila (Order), as well as in 13 other branches of Sufism. His Sheikh-ut-Tareeqah (Spiritual Master) was the celebrated Grand Master, Sayyid Sha Ale-Rasool Ahmadi Al-Qaaderi Al Barkaati رضي الله عنه of Mahrerah Shareef, India. Accoding to .

It is a famous saying of Awais Raza Qadri (popular and one of the top naat khawan from Pakistan) that the last 200 years of Islamic history, in writing about ilm-e deen (or writing about ilm-e deen, knowledge/study of deen) Ala Hazrat has done unparelled or unmatched work. Or better understand this by this beautiful Munqbat line: "Aglo ne to likha hai bohot ilm-e deen par, jo kuch hai do sadi main wo tanha Raza ka hai."

"Tasveer-e sunniyat hai ke chehra Raza ka hai", "Wadi Raza ki, Kohe himala Raza ka hai, jis samt dekhiye wo ilalka Raza ka hai."

"Aglo ne to likha hai bohot ilm-e deen par, jo kuch hai do sadi main wo tanha Raza ka hai."

Here's a link to the Beautiful and famous Munqbat recited by Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri, Wadi raza ki kohe himala raza ka hai - Rang e Raza New Mehfil e Milad

A'la Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (رضي الله عنه) Urs mubarak, would be celebrated on 20 August 2025. The 106th Urs to start in the month of Safar (the 2nd month of Hijri Calendar).

• Ala Hazrat (A'la Hadrat) Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (رضي الله عنه) Urs. Ala Hazrat Urs 2025 date, A'la Hadrat Bareilly Shareef Urs.


May (Allah) ﷲ ﷻ and holy Prophet Huzur Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ put rehmat and blessings upon you and me and all of us and forgive us if we made any mistake in reading and writing this article or in any day of our life, and may Aap Bade Buzurgan'e deen as well as Ala Hazrat (رضي الله عنه) forgive us, and bless us all. Ameen.

What is Urs mubarak and why we celebrate:

• Urs Mubarak is celebrated in the remembrance of Ala Hazrat (رضي الله عنه) as on this blessed day huzur Ala Hazrat (رضي الله عنه) Bareilly Shareef met with (Allah) ﷲ ﷻ meaning leaving this jahiri duniya (visible world), huzoor Ala Hazrat (رضي الله عنه) took parda from this world on 25 Rajab 1340 H in Bareilly Shareef (Uttar Pradesh, India).

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