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Story: Eid e Milad un Nabi 2025 | eid milad un nabi | Rabi ul Awwal | 2025-01-21

Eid e Milad un Nabi 2025 | eid milad un nabi | Rabi ul Awwal

Context of the text: 12 Rabi Ul Awwal date 2025. | 12 rabi ul awal 2025 date | 12 rabi ul awwal | eid milad un nabi 2025 | Eid e Milad un Nabi 2025 | eid milad un nabi | Rabi ul Awwal.

Eid Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ date 2025 will be on 04-09-2025 [dates may vary]. Rabi al-Awwal in Hijri calendar 1447 corresponds to Gregorian date 04-09-2025 according to calculation, this date may vary according to moon sighting in regions, like India and Pakistan.

12 rabi ul awwal Sharif in India will start from 04 September 2025 and will be celebrated until 05 September 2025.

The holy month of Eid Milad un Nabi (Rabi ul awal) is expected to start from 24-08-2025 (according to Gregorian date.)

12 Rabi ul awwal, Eid Milad-Un-Nabi date in India

This year 12 rabi ul awal in India is expected on 04 September 2025.

12 Rabi ul awal, Eid e Milad un Nabi 2025 date in Pakistan

Eid e Milad un Nabi date in Pakistan is expected on 04 September 2025 as well.

What is eid milad un nabi ﷺ

12 Rabi-ul awwal (3rd month of Hijri calendar) marks the birth of holy Prophet Huzoor Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ Eid Milad Un Nabi is the holiest day in Islam, as it marks, Wiladat-e Mustafa ﷺ the birth of holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ. It is called Eid of Eids.

The entire month of Rabi ul Awwal is celebrated all throughout the world, and the 12th day of Rabi ul Awwal marks the birthday of holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ.

Muslims around the worlds celebrate the holy month by decorating their houses, streets, and cities.

12 Rabi-ul-awwal is considered to be the most powerful night in Islam, even greater than the night of power (Layla-tulQadr) according to many respectable scholars of Islam.

Muslims around the world do Naat khwani special praise and salutation upon prophet muhammad ﷺ (Salawat).

Dhikr and praise of Huzoor Mohammed ﷺ all throughout the holy month is increased with dhikr and Durood Sharif recitation.

Special Milad-un-nabi (mawlid) mehfils are organized.

Exchange of greetings with family, friends, and other Muslims are done, Sunni Aqeedah Muslims perform Niyaz and Fatiha Khwani, food and gifts are distributed in special rallies on the day of Eid Milad un Nabi ﷺ.

Lots of durood sharif reciting, Naat programs, public rallies are held on 12 Rabi-ul awwal, muslims hoist flags, and decorate homes, shops, business places, streets, on the occasion of Eid e Milaadun Nabi ﷺ.

Special Rally on Eid Milad-un-Nabi:

Muslims around the world hold different gatherings and Jalsa's (rallies). Muslims prepare themselves by getting well-dressed, decorate vehicles with Islamic flags and take part in pre-organized rallies. People get together and recite Naat sharif, Durood sharif (salat), while food, sweet drinks, desserts, are served to the public in general.

The holy festival will be celebrated after moon sighting in local regions, as Islamic month system works on the new crescent moon sighting.

The festival is expected to be on , in India, and Pakistan. The occasion would be celebrated after the moon sighting in your local region, as Islamic month system works on the new crescent moon sighting.

Beautiful Dua:

May Allah ﷻ and Huzur Mohammed Mustafa ﷺ shower guidance, sheer assistance, Rehma (Blessings) of all sort, in what we read, write, learn, perform in this world and for the betterment of hereafter.

• May Allah ﷻ and Huzoor Mohammed Mustafa ﷺ forgive us if we do mistakes in reading, understanding anything in this article, or if we've made any mistake in putting contents on this page.

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