Story: Ramadan date India. Updated: 2024-12-01; Author: Junaid Khan
Ramadan date in India? Ramadan calendar 2025.
NOTE: Dates and timetable may vary, from location to location, kindly use local (local mosque), and other (online platforms) to confirm date and time for Ramadan Calendar.
Check today prayer timing for- Fajr | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha as well as Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight, Ismak, Midnight, Last third of night and other timings.
Ramadan Kareem 2025 are most likely to start from 1 March 2025 in India and Pakistan, while news outlets also reported that in the UAE the dates might also be 1 March for 1st Ramadan in coming 2025.
The news platforms across internet are reporting based on calculation that Ramadan might start from evening of 28 February and would end on 29 February, while other platforms have reported the 1st Ramadan to be on 28 February with first fasting day.
The Islamic calendar system calculates dates, months, and years, based on the moon sighting in the region. The Islamic calendar is called Hijri.
This makes it difficult to predict the exact dates for new month beginning and ending of a month because moon crescent might be sighted early in one region and late in another.
We have calculated the upcoming Ramadan calendar, dates, and timetable for you, and we will update the timetable if the dates vary from our calculation you can check the calendar and timetable here:
NOTE: This page provides dates according to Sunni (Hanafi) beliefs. And calculates time based on University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, calculation methods.
NOTE: Calculation of Ramadan prayer time, Suhoor, Iftar time may not always match your region or with your local mosque timing.
Please note that prayer timings might not always match your local mosque or government authority. Their timings are likely tuned or adjusted.
Ramadan 2025 is expected to start from either 28 February or 1 March in India, this calendar and prayer table shows time with best of our calculation, it may change in future with the Ramadan 2025 date. Dates, time, may vary: double check with other sources and your local mosque.
Story: Ramadan Prayer time; Updated:
Ramadan Timetable for (2025)
Check Ramadan Suhoor (Sehri) and Iftar time based on Imsak time and Maghrib time. |
Maghrib (Iftar time)
Imsak (Suhoor)(Sehri)
Last third
Ramadan is the 9th Month in the Hijri calendar system, and currently it is 1446 Hijri year.
Ramadan special:
Ramadan is one of the holiest month in Islam with 30 days of continuous fasting, one which is part of basic principles of Islamic belief.
One who is capable of fasting must fast for all 30 days in the holy month, with some exception for one who is ill, minors etc.
Muslims around the world fast and pray lots of Salah, recite Quran Sharif, do dhikr and Tasbeeh with lots of Durood Sharif and other dhikr in the holy month. In order to attain forgiveness from Allah ﷻ and to attain Jannah.
One another important and basic principle of Islam, is doing Jakat (an obligatory donation) for needy. A certain part of wealth of a Muslim shall be given to poor and needy, in this month Muslims do lots of Jakat, share meal, celebrate Iftar and Suhoor with loved one's and community in general. Jakat is only obligatory to the capable Muslims who have financial means to pay Jakat. Jakat is one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Ramadan are basically purifying days in the entire year.
These precious days are for attaining rehma and blessings of Allah ﷻ and Prophet Huzoor Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ with great amount of good deeds, become free of all sins, and be a good human being for society.
Ramadan Kareem teaches, patience, remove bad habits, it gives chance to people to connect and understand the suffering of needy, the month allows soul-searching and remove sins from life and turn to creator Allah ﷻ
The holy month is a blessing for body as well as with fasting people improve health tremendously as it is proven by science and various studies on human body. With lots of prayers, body fitness also improves significantly.
Each good deed in Ramadan is rewarded 70 times, that of a normal day.
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